I am a qualified Person-centred counsellor, and through my continued professional development, I integrate elements of other modalities into my practice.
I first became interested in Havening through a counsellign client. The person had experncied a traumatic event, which was impacting on their day-to-day living. After receiving Havening, the transformation was incredible. I felt that Havening was something that I could incorporate into my practice.
Since learning the Havening Technique, I have been able to itergrate it and use it alongside my counselling practice. A number of my clients have benefited fromt this apporach, and have come back for futher sessions on Havening alone. I have been able to show clients how to Self-Haven so they are able to continue the approach at home. Clients have reported back that they use Self-Havening at times of stress, for example, work related stressors.